Many questions have reached us meanwhile – by and by we publish some of general interest here:
You can either contribute one ore more articles to our Anthology “Ideologies in National Socialism” or present on one of our conferences – or both. Current planning sees 25% of the articles in the Anthology as presentations in the conferences. Vice-versa: 100% of the presented issues will be transformed to an article into the Anthology.
The Handbook will be published in English language. English speaking countries are the main target market.
However, National Socialism is a German crime, and German University provide wide research on this topic. But we aim to give an international perspective on Ideologies in National Socialism. Articles like “War Experience, Nationalism and National Socialism Ideology in Wartime China, 1931-1945” or “Corporatist Connections: The Transnational Rise of the Fascist Model in Interwar Europe” or “The Nazi Ethnographic Research of Georg Leibbrandt and Karl Stumpp in Ukraine, and Its North American Legacy” will as well be in the book, like more expectable articles like on Reichsaerztekammer or Language of Violence or SS-Ahnenerbe.
Therefore we presume a maximum of 25% German Scholars. Already now, many international Scholars are part of our great project. A selection of them is linked here.
Worldwide distribution will be guaranteed by Walter De Gruyter Berlin and Boston, MA.